Analysis of basic components/concepts and major relationships in the theory

Analysis of basic components/concepts and major relationships in the theory

Scholarly paper on a nursing theory
Identification of theorist including a brief background of the theorist (accomplishments, career, accolades, research efforts)

Analysis of basic components/concepts and major relationships in the theory: Briefly discuss the theory’s core concepts • Use at least two peer reviewed/research articles that detail the nursing theory being applied in clinical practice, and summarize key findings of both articles • Use another secondary source like your text that covers the selected nursing theory, you must have a minimum of 3 references from nursing literature (only one from a non article source like a secondary source/text) to support your discussion in this section.

Personal relevance if any of the author described (connect the theorist to the theory) b. Relevance to healthcare and the client discussed (connect the theory to healthcare today) c. Application to research and/or practice provided (connect the theory to current research/practice)

Scholarly paper on a nursing theory

One formal paper about a nursing theory. The paper is to be a five to six (5-6) pages total (double-spaced, 12 font, 1 inch margins).

Papers submitted longer than 6 pages (excluding references and cover sheet) will not be read. Follow APA guidelines for a cover sheet, headers, pagination, references, etc

Summary • Include theory strengths and limitation in the summary
Format • Precise APA style and professional writing
This is the text mentioned as a secondary source.
Smith, M. C., & Parker, M. E. (2015). Nursing theories and nursing practice. FA Davis.

Transgender persons suffer significant health disparities and may require medical intervention as part of their care. The purpose of this manuscript is to briefly review the literature characterizing barriers to health care for transgender individuals and to propose research priorities to understand mechanisms of those barriers and interventions to overcome them.

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Recent Findings
Current research emphasizes sexual minorities’ self report of barriers, rather than using direct methods. The biggest barrier to health care reported by transgender individuals is lack of access due to lack of providers who are sufficiently knowledgeable on the topic. Other barriers include: financial barriers, discrimination, lack of cultural competence by providers, health systems barriers and socioeconomic barriers.
National research priorities should include rigorous determination of the capacity of the United States health care system to provide adequate care for transgender individuals. Studies should determine knowledge and biases of the medical work force across the spectrum of medical training with regard to transgender medical care; adequacy of sufficient providers for the care required, larger social structural barriers and status of a framework to pay for appropriate care. As well, studies should propose and validate potential solutions to address identified gaps.

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