Advanced Directives Decision Making
Advanced Directives Decision Making essay assignment
Advanced Directives Decision Making essay assignment
For this Advanced Directives Decision Making assignment, reference the materials attached regarding advanced directives/decision making. There are several documents there for you to review and use if needed. CPR facts, advanced planning document, quality of life worksheet, and ventilator information.
Having an advanced directive, also known as a medical power of attorney, or a medical decision maker is one of the most important things we can do, it is also one of the most difficult things for people to do. In western culture addressing issues around death and dying is often considered a taboo subject. People are often unwilling to consider developing an advanced directive until it is too late.
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Creating an advanced directive is a very complex process, it is important to understand that it is a much larger process than just picking someone to “make medical decisions” for you. There is a great deal that goes into it. As you review the material, think about the following: First, examine your own values, thinking about what is important to you, what quality of life is acceptable to you? Second, educate yourself regarding the various types and success rates of resuscitation methods and think about how far you are willing to go. Third, think about who you would want as your decision makers.
Occasionally, the people we choose, are for various reasons not able or comfortable being “our people”. The development of an Advance Directive can spark discussions with other family members about their own desires that you may or may not have know, sometimes the people you may initially chose are not willing/able to be your decision maker either because they cannot honor your wishes, or they have different beliefs, or it is too hard for them. These conversations can be intensely challenging, but can also be very rewarding.
For this assignment, review the materials indicated in course content on advanced directives/decision making. Develop your own advanced directive. Pick you decision makers, talk with them about your wishes and determine if they are willing to be your person. Share your thoughts about this process, information you learned you may not have known, and indicate any challenges or barriers people might experience developing an advanced directive. Think about Eric Erickson’s final stage of development: integrity vs. despair as you consider individuals willingness to address an advanced directive.