Academic Integrity & Citation Transferring Knowledge Discussion

Academic Integrity & Citation Transferring Knowledge Discussion

Academic Integrity & Citation Transferring Knowledge Discussion

The evidence-based practice project idea that I had the idea of doing research on is a major problem in healthcare in general is infection control but specifically central-line associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI). According to the Arizona Department of Health Services CLABSI’s are the most serious of all healthcare-associated infections- causing thousands of deaths each year and about $700M in added costs and 25% of people that get them die from them (2022). The type of scholarly nursing research that I think would be required for further investigation on this issue is quantitative and peer-reviewed methods. The article that I selected related to my topic of CLABSI prevention is Quantitative Results of a National Intervention to Prevent Central Line–Associated Bloodstream Infection. It is important to perform a CRAAP test and make sure that the research I select meets the criteria because It will lead to more accurate research on my end as well as improve relevance. This test considers currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose when evaluating articles (New Jersey Institute of Technology, 2022).

Using the New Jersey Institute of Technology Library CRAAP test, I will evaluate the appropriateness of the research. When it comes to currency this source was published in late 2019 and I feel like the information is very timely. This article is very relevant to my research question and meets my needs. The CDC funded the study as well as the national STRIVE team that followed out the research. The authors were a group of doctors as well as nurses with master’s in public health degree and the study is in the Annals of Internal Medicine Journal. When it comes to accuracy all of the authors involved in the research have participated in a number of other reputable research studies. I would also argue that when CDC funs a study there are many different guidelines or accuracy. The purpose of this article is for information and to figure out ways to solve a problem. The intended audience would be healthcare workers and administrators looking for better ways to improve their hospitals CLABSI rates. There is no bias present in this article and the article does show different viewpoints.

Do My Nursing Discussion

Academic Integrity & Citation Transferring Knowledge Discussion

Finally, plagiarism jeopardizes the university’s personal and institutional integrity. The university’s reputation may suffer and it may be discredited (GCU, n.d). Furthermore, if it is revealed that it was carried out by a certified nurse, the nursing profession may be associated with dishonesty. In the worst-case situation, you may be ruled unsuited for the field entirely. As a result, stealing someone else’s ideas is not worth the danger. According to the speaker in one of the video portions titled “Information Literacy: Perils of Online Research,” plagiarism can be used to justify expulsion from school and obtaining a failing grade. This can make pursuing a successful job impossible. If a student is unsure, he or she should seek advice from a lecturer on how to correctly credit sources. Graduate students are obliged to double-check their work.

Question Description
I’m stuck on a Nursing question and need an explanation.

Imagine the following scenario: You are taking the evidence-based practice course and one of your classmates shares an EBP project draft with you. You notice that some of the research has not been cited correctly or even at all. When you approach your classmate, the response is that “no one will notice and it is not a big deal anyway.” What are your next steps in speaking with your classmate? Consider how this could reflect on the credibility and integrity of the individuals involved, the University, and the profession.

My next step will be to inform my classmate that his actions are illegal under GCU rules because they constitute plagiarism. Plagiarism is the use of another person’s work without properly crediting the original author (GCU, n.d.). This action disregards the thoughts and work of the original author. You may be considered “stealing” intellectual property if you give the reader the impression that you invented the idea. I’ll let my classmate borrow ideas from other sources as long as he properly cites them. Citing sources, on the other hand, shows the reader that your ideas are supported by other writers, which improves the overall appeal of your Academic Integrity & Citation Transferring Knowledge Discussion.

Students can take precautions to avoid plagiarism and other issues. LopesWrite is a well-known course at Grand Canyon University. Use LopesWrite’s originality checker to avoid plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty (GCU, n.d.). If my classmate’s actions are the result of citation management issues, I will suggest solutions. Most GCU databases can export citations directly to the Refworks tool, and many GCU databases can import citations into the Endnote tool (GCU, n.d.).