A philosophy statement development assignment
A philosophy statement development assignment
A philosophy statement development assignment
Post a philosophy statement for Mountain View Health Center, at least one goal, and at least one related objective. Offer insights you have gained about the process of developing a philosophy statement, as well as the significance of and distinctions between organizational goals and objectives.
Writing a teaching philosophy statement helps you stay true to your core beliefs as a teacher. In this article, we discuss what a teaching philosophy is, why it’s important and how you can write one for yourself. We also offer an example of a teaching philosophy as a helpful guide.
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What is a teaching philosophy?
A teaching philosophy is a self-reflective personal narrative that expresses your values and beliefs about teaching. It includes your conception of teaching and learning, a depiction of how you teach and an explanation for why you teach in that way.
Teaching philosophy statements are usually one to four pages in length and cover the three core areas of objectives, methods and evaluation. Like a teaching career, your teaching philosophy will evolve as you accumulate more experience.
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Why is a teaching philosophy important?
A teaching philosophy is important because it gives you a framework for deciding how you will teach. New teachers and tenured professors, alike, can benefit from thinking about and summarizing their personal beliefs for how they teach best. A teaching philosophy that is constantly updated will reflect a teacher’s personal growth.
How to write a teaching philosophy
Here are the basic steps to take to write a teaching philosophy statement:
Consider your audience.
Tell a story.
Write an introduction.
Write the body.
1. Consider your audience
Before you begin writing your teaching philosophy statement, begin by considering your audience and what will be of greatest importance to them. If you are writing for a hiring committee, know that they will be interested in both the internal and external consistency of your philosophy. For example, they may want to know the theoretical conception of your teaching as well as what specific strategies you use in the classroom to support your ideals.
As you consider your audience, also do your research. Different institutions have different expectations. If they have a particular mission, you should address it in the mission of your statement. While your teaching philosophy may remain the same, you may want to modify the teaching style for the institution. Look closely at the school’s website to see how large it is and what its values are.
2. Brainstorm
When you are reflecting on what to include in your teaching philosophy, imagine that the term is over and that your students are
leaving for the summer break. Ask yourself what you want them to have taken away from their time spent with you. Your teaching philosophy should express what you want your students to learn from you and the strategies you will use to accomplish that.
3. Tell a story
Get the attention of readers by sharing a story of how you effectively taught your students and accomplished your goal. Share specific examples of the teaching techniques you regularly use in the classroom.
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4. Write an introduction
Your introduction should be the statement where you share with your readers your general belief about education. For example, you may believe that all children have the right to learn in a safe classroom.
5. Write the body
In the body part of your teaching philosophy statement, share what you believe is the ideal classroom environment, how it makes you better as a teacher, addresses the individual needs of your students and encourages interactions between parents and kids. Specifically, state your goals and objectives and what you want your students to accomplish with the help of your teaching.
6. Write the conclusion
In the final section, discuss what your goals are as a teacher, how you’ve met them in the past and intend to build on them in the future. Discuss your personal approach to teaching and managing the classroom and include what you believe makes you unique. You may also want to include any intentions to advance your skills through further education.
7. Cite your sources
Explain how you came to use those specific strategies in the classroom. For example, share with your readers whether you learned them from a mentor, from something you read online or in a book or from another source. If your strategy was something you read about and then modified for your own purposes, share that with your audience.