Transforming Hospitals Designing for Safety and Quality

Transforming Hospitals Designing for Safety and Quality essay assignment

Transforming Hospitals Designing for Safety and Quality essay assignment

Health care administrators evaluate risk in health care organizations in order to identify operational impact and develop actions plans. This is accomplished through assessment tools and application of methods using a systems-based approach to care.

After watching the video write a 1,000-1,250 word paper that focuses on the following:

  1. How is risk assessed in health care organizations today? What role does evidence-based design have in the risk assessment/planning process?
  2. Discuss at least two areas where process inefficiencies are present today (patient safety, patient satisfaction, quality outcomes, or workforce retention). What is happening in each of these areas that could cause concern for health care organizations?
  3. How can these areas of high risk be transformed through the use of risk assessment tools or effective work groups to manage and overcome inefficiencies?
  4. Using the system-based approach, what strategies could be used to improve or develop effective work groups?

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***Study Materials***


Risk Management in Health Care Institutions-

Kavaler, F., & Alexander, R. (2014). Risk management in health care institutions: Limiting liability and enhancing care

(3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA:Jones & Bartlett. ISBN-13: 9781449645656