Search Results for: south university

Core Competencies.

Each advanced care provider role has specific core competencies specific to the specialization. Following are links to websites describing core competencies that are relevant to the South University College of Nursing and Public Health advanced practice role specializations: Indirect Care Provider Roles: Nurse Administrator Nurse Informaticist Nurse Educator Direct Care Provider Roles: NP (Adult, Gerontology,…

Public Health

This assignment will explore the impact of history on problems and solutions in healthcare. Exploring the past will help stimulate a deeper understanding of the causes and effects of healthcare problems and alternative solutions. In Week 1, you selected and reviewed a public health problem and a policy that addresses this problem. This week, you…

Studying a Professional Organization

Identify a professional organization and then complete the following tasks: Analyze and discuss the selected organization’s aim and activities. Explain how the organization meets, supports, or advocates the EBP standards and concepts of professional nursing. In addition, explain the concepts of professional nursing—caring, communication, critical thinking, professionalism, and holism.   Support your responses articles from…

Nurses as Change Agents in the Community

The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week on the basis of the course competencies covered. For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use the South University Online…

Ethical Issues in Nursing

As healthcare professionals, nurses encounter a range of ethical issues in their day-to-day practice. Here are some of the common ethical issues in nursing: Confidentiality and Privacy: Nurses have a duty to maintain patient confidentiality and privacy. This means that they should not disclose any information about the patient’s health status, medical history or treatment…

Nursing Laws paper

When nurses exceed their scope of practice, they violate their nursing license and may be performing tasks that are reserved by statute for another healthcare professional, such as a physician (Fremgen, 2012). Due to the shortage of nurses, their responsibilities are ever increasing, which may lead to actions that result in malpractice. However, nurses have…

Workforce Issues on Patient Safety

In this assignment, you will consider how workforce issues impact on patient safety. Discussion Question 1 Using the South University Online Library, research workforce issues and patient safety. Based on your research, complete the following tasks: Identify and describe the research problems, purpose, objectives, and hypothesis of the research. Evaluate the credibility and validity of…

Discussion response to peers

discussion 1 Even though I am currently conducting a research for a cardiologist, I was not too familiar of the steps involved prior to conducting a research study. This class has advanced my knowledge of the overall research process. It takes time, knowledge, experience, evidence-based practice and thoroughness when developing a proposed research. My proposed…