Search Results for: south university

Studying Professional Organization

Studying Professional Organization Studying Professional Organization Professional Organizational Studies: Find a professional organization and then complete the tasks listed below: Analyze and discuss the goal and activities of the chosen organization. Explain how the organization meets, supports, or advocates for EBP standards and professional nursing concepts. Explain the concepts of professional nursing, such as caring,…

Healthcare Ethics and Morals Essay

Healthcare Ethics and Morals Essay Consider the scenarios given below and answer the questions listed after each scenario. Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning. Scenario 1 The rising number of uninsured patients has led to an increased reliance on the hospital emergency room for routine nonemergency care. EMTALA ensures patients’ access to the…

Research on Healthcare Applications of Chemical Reactions

Research on Healthcare Applications of Chemical Reactions Research on Healthcare Applications of Chemical Reactions Discussion Question 1 Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research on healthcare applications of chemical reactions. On the basis of your research, respond to the following: What is the difference between biochemical, pharmaceutical, and diagnostic chemical reactions in…

Healthcare Marketing And Strategy discussion

Healthcare Marketing And Strategy discussion essay assignment Healthcare Marketing And Strategy discussion essay assignment As healthcare has evolved so has the concept of a patient or consumer of healthcare. Technology and culture are among the many variables that have affected our concept of a healthcare patient. Consider these items among the others noted in your…

Capacity-Building Sustainability and School Health

Capacity-Building Sustainability and School Health essay assignment Capacity-Building Sustainability and School Health essay assignment Using the Internet, the South University Online Library, or any other resource, find an example of a school health program engaged in capacity-building or sustainability. Respond to the following: Describe engagement in capacity-building or sustainability. Briefly describe a school health promotion…

Hospital at Home Program

Hospital at Home Program essay assignment Hospital at Home Program essay assignment o complete this assignment read the following article: Hospital at Home Program in New Mexico Improves Care Quality and Patient Satisfaction While Reducing Costs Complete a detailed case study analysis of the given case, using the process described in the following chapter of…

Regulations In Long Term Care

Regulations In Long Term Care essay assignment Regulations In Long Term Care essay assignment There are many federal and state regulations when it comes to long-term care. Using the South University Online Library and the Internet, research any four specific regulations related to and summarize them. Based on the regulations you identified, respond to the…

Multifactorial Traits and Autism

Multifactorial Traits and Autism essay assignment Multifactorial Traits and Autism essay assignment Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research the characteristics of multifactorial traits and autism. Based on your research, complete the discussions on the following topics: Multifactorial traits Autism Multifactorial Traits Traits and genetic disorders are influenced in one way or…

Federal and state regulations in long-term care

Federal and state regulations in long-term care essay assignment Federal and state regulations in long-term care essay assignment Based on the regulations you identified, respond to the following questions: What are the benefits and shortcomings of your identified regulations? Which of these shortcomings have an effect on the quality and the cost of health care…

Long Term Care Today: chronic illness trends

Long Term Care Today: chronic illness trends essay assignment Long Term Care Today: chronic illness trends essay assignment Demographics and epidemiological transitions result in dramatic changes in the health needs of individuals throughout the globe. In recent times, there has been increase in the prevalence of long-term disability in the population—causing increasing need for long-term…

NSG 6620 Week 1 Assignment 2 Mission and Vision Statement

NSG 6620 Week 1 Assignment 2 Mission and Vision Statement essay assignment NSG 6620 Week 1 Assignment 2 Mission and Vision Statement essay assignment Every healthcare organization must have a mission and vision statement to guide it. Mission and vision statements often come in a variety of formats. Only when there is alignment between the…