Search Results for: south university

Time Management Assignment

Time Management Assignment Time Management Assignment ORDER NOW For an Original Top Nursing Paper : Time Management Assignment Time Management This assignment is about you. It is an assessment of your abilities and traits. Every week you will complete a personal assessment–your own personal leadership framework. This assignment will help you figure out what style…

iHuman case study and Shadow health writing help

iHuman case study and Shadow health writing help iHuman Case Study and Shadow Health are two separate educational platforms used in healthcare education. iHuman Case Study is an online learning platform that provides interactive case studies for healthcare students. It offers virtual patient encounters where students can assess, diagnose, and develop treatment plans for simulated…

Stress and Quality of Life

Normative and non-normative events help us understand how change and stress may impact our quality of life. Using the South University Library, locate 2 scholarly journal articles written in the last 5-6 years on how change and/or stress can impact a person’s life. Look especially for how sudden, unanticipated (non-normative events) can impact a person’s…

Elements of an Emergency Response Plan

Using South University Online Library or the Internet, research and discuss on the topic, “Elements of an Emergency Response Plan for a Healthcare Facility.” Based on your research and understanding, answer the following questions: · Where should the emergency response plan be posted? · How often should training be provided—annually or quarterly? · Which healthcare…

CAM Therapies

CAM theories and practices are being used today by majority of people these days. These theories relate to the ethnomedical practices, which is the study of traditional branches of medicine, which may or may not have related written text. These practices include traditional Chinese, Ayurveda, and Unani practices being followed in various countries. Using South…

Nursing Laws

When nurses exceed their scope of practice, they violate their nursing license and may be performing tasks that are reserved by statute for another healthcare professional, such as a physician (Fremgen, 2012). Due to the shortage of nurses, their responsibilities are ever increasing, which may lead to actions that result in malpractice. However, nurses have…

Compensation and Reimbursement Plans

One way in which a MCO can control cost, quality, and access is through various structured compensation and reimbursement plans. The two most common examples are fee for service and capitation. Moreover, there are different types of reimbursement systems for inpatient and outpatient services. Answer the following questions in regard to the above information: Examine…

The Impact of Law

There is evidence that vaccinating school-aged children against influenza assists in limiting community-level transmission. Historically, the U.S. has had a long-standing, government-led strategy of recommending that vaccine distribution should be concentrated primarily in high-risk groups and distributed to individuals who operate the health system and social infrastructure. For this assignment, assume the role of a…

Ethics in Public Health Decision Making

Imagine that your state legislature is considering a law that would require parental consent for newborn screening. Parental consent is currently not required, although newborn testing is not conducted over parental objection. (Currently only a few states actually require consent.) The health department has been asked to take a position on the pending legislation. Using…

food and drug administration

Consider a study to examine a food and drug administration (FDA)-approved medication for smoking cessation. Discuss the type of study you would use to examine this medication. Justify your selection and indicate the setting, participants, and suggested research question and formal scientific hypotheses (a null and an alternate hypothesis) for your study. Justify your response…