Search Results for: chamberlain

NR504Week7 Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement

NR504Week7 Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement essay assignment NR504Week7 Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement essay assignment Through this assignment, the student will address the following Course Outcomes: · CO 1: Discern leadership approaches that facilitate achievement of health outcomes through interprofessional collaborative practice within micro-, meso-, and macro-level systems. · CO 3: Integrate…

Marginalized Women and Childbearing Families

Marginalized Women and Childbearing Families essay assignment Marginalized Women and Childbearing Families essay assignment Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student with an opportunity to explore the concept of marginalization and how it impacts the healthcare of women and childbearing families. Activity Learning Outcomes Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate…

Con-Position Proposal

Con-Position Proposal essay assignment Con-Position Proposal essay assignment Instructions Please review the Counterpoint: Vaccines: Caution Advised, an example of a con article. Note: The article was pulled from our Chamberlain library’s Points of View Reference Center database. This resource is highly recommended, as it presents many of the topics in the General Education Healthcare field that may be…

NR449 Evidence-Based Practice Topic Search Strategy

NR449 Evidence-Based Practice Topic Search Strategy essay assignment NR449 Evidence-Based Practice Topic Search Strategy essay assignment PURPOSE The Topic Search Strategy Paper is the first of three related assignments which are due in Unit 3. The purpose of this initial paper is to briefly describe your search strategies when identifying two articles that pertain to…

Evidence-Based Practice Change Process

Evidence-Based Practice Change Process essay assignment Evidence-Based Practice Change Process essay assignment Purpose The purpose of this assignment is: To apply a change process using the ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation and a systematic review after identifying a clinical topic of concern and related nursing practice issue. The information from the ‘Illustration’ part of…

NR 103 Patient Safety: Transition to nursing practice

NR 103 Patient Safety: Transition to nursing practice essay assignment NR 103 Patient Safety: Transition to nursing practice essay assignment Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to explore a critical concept in nursing. The student will be able to demonstrate application of information literacy and ability to utilize resources (library, writing center, Center for…

NR 512 Week 5 Health IT Hot Topic of the Week Assignment EHR and the Role of Family Nurse Practitioner

NR 512 Week 5 Health IT Hot Topic of the Week Assignment EHR and the Role of Family Nurse Practitioner NR 512 Fundamentals of Nursing Informatics – Chamberlain University NR 512 Week 5: HealthIT Topic of Week Assignment – The Health IT Topic of Week assignment must be submitted at the end of Week 5….

Community Health assignment

Community Health assignment paper help Purpose Community health nurses practice in a variety of settings. The purpose of this paper is to describe the community setting and analyze the role of a nurse in the assigned setting. Health promotion nursing interventions and a professional nursing organization related to this role will also be examined. The…

NR714 Week 8 You Decide Reflection

NR714 Week 8 You Decide Reflection You Decide Reflection Guidelines Purpose The purpose of this applicationis to provide the student an opportunity to reflect on selected DNP competencies acquired through the NR714 course Course Outcomes This assignment provides documentation of student ability to meet the following course outcomes: CO1: Formulate PICOT/PICoT questions relevant to advanced…

NR 512 Week 1 Discussion: Integration of Nursing Informatics Skills and Competencies

NR 512 Week 1 Discussion: Integration of Nursing Informatics Skills and Competencies NR 512 Fundamentals of Nursing Informatics – Chamberlain University Based on your readings this week, how has your impression of informatics, especially nursing informatics, changed? dq 2 Integration of Nursing Informatics Skills and Competencies (graded) Reflect on your own practice. Explain how much…

NR 599 Nursing Informatics for Advanced Practice

NR 599 Nursing Informatics for Advanced Practice NR 599 Nursing Informatics for Advanced Practice NR-599 Nursing Informatics For Advanced Practice at Chamberlain University NR 599 Nursing Informatics for Advanced Practice Discussion Week 2 Discussion DQ1 Midweek Comprehension Questions This week’s lesson and graded assignment are opportunities for you to evaluate your own competencies in order…

NR 512 Week 4 Threaded Discussion: Informatics Skills

NR 512 Week 4 Threaded Discussion: Informatics Skills NR 512 Fundamentals of Nursing Informatics – Chamberlain University NR 512 Week 4 Threaded Discussion: Informatics Skills How do the informatics skills you are now developing/expanding upon and validating help you meet current informatics skills levels? Did the TANIC self-assessment change your impression of your current informatics…