Explain why more quantitative research articles are required for support for the DPI Project as compared to qualitative research articles

 Explain why more quantitative research articles are required for support for the DPI Project as compared to qualitative research articles

Explain why more quantitative research articles are required for support for the DPI Project as compared to qualitative research articles

Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative research. Explain why more quantitative research articles are required for support for the DPI Project as compared to qualitative research articles. Conduct a search in the GCU Library using the nursing databases for a primary quantitative article that provides support for your proposed intervention and briefly explain how the research provides evidence that the intervention would improve the problem at your practice site.


Quantitative research can be described as the research process that uses collection and numerical data analysis in research studies that generalize results to a wider population, while qualitative research uses involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data such as interviews, questionnaires and the results are generalized for a smaller or localized population. (Bhandari, 2020). Quantitative research uses various methods for data collection, and these include experiments, observations which are recorded as numbers; and surveys/questionnaires with closed-ended questions.

Alternatively, qualitative research uses interview questions that are open-ended. Other data collection methods include observations that are described in words, literature reviews that explore concepts and reviews (Bhandari, 2020). In quantitative research, the focus is on testing theories and developing the hypothesis, data goes through statistical analysis in numerical and graphical expressions, and requires many respondents answering closed-ended questions

Qualitative research on the other hand focuses on exploration of ideas and formulation of theories or hypothesis. It is analyzed by summarizing, categorizing, and interpreting and mainly expressed in words. Qualitative research requires a few respondents and open-ended questions (Streefkerk, 2019).

Quantitative research will create a major impact on my proposed DPI project because believe that this will help improve patient outcome, save cost of treatment , and provide evidence-based practice for the facility and who knows our sister facilities.



Bhandari, P. (2020). What Is Quantitative Research? | Definition, Uses and …



Streefkerk, R. (2019). differentiate qualitative research from quantitative … – Brainly.in

https://brainly.in › Science › Secondary School

Great Post Carolyn, To add to what you have written, in the article by Chalmers, & Cowdell (2021), he points out that qualitative research needs to be more prevalent in health literature journals because there is a need to expound on the role of human nature and the structural contexts in the lives of individuals. Quantitative research has been used more often because it has a more scientific edge and rigor compared to qualitative research. Likewise, Gilad (2021), in his article is also encouraging quantitative researchers to consider the limits in their research from the lack of the qualitative piece of research, that there are advantages to mixing both methods to enrich the research. The interests of most researchers towards the qualitative method have been because off the training that they have undergone from their past professors and PhD holders who have always emphasized on Qualitative research as the most scientific method (Gilad, 2021).

Qualitative research is mostly developed out of the need to solve and issue. It is holistic working with the whole patient and family as a whole being and it is detailed and uses many ways to collect information. Nurses use this method to find ways to help patients based on their preferences. It sets the plan for future research by using quantitative or qualitative research with people experiencing and interpreting data differently based on the factors that has affected them, the truth about this research is that it is a composite of different realities (Chicca, 2020). This method still requires the researcher to follow a strict process of research by planning and finding an interesting topic, design with expansive data collection methods that will enhance the quality of the work, the researcher should bracket any personal ideas, views, biases and assumptions (Chicca, 2020).

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